Maison BRIVE fondée en 1860 - Articles de Piété et d'Art Religieux Chrétiens
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Maison BRIVE fondée en 1860 - Articles de Piété et d'Art Religieux Chrétiens
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Cross and Crucifix
Multicolor vitrified glazed bronze cross antique baroque style
Cross wood Olivier and bronze, Eucharist and communion, Lamb of God, French artisanal work
Jesus Christ happy in wood handmade hand painted middle age 35cm x 28 cm
all Cross and Crucifix
Paintings and Decoration
Scene of the ivory crucifixion
Blessing of Jesus on ivory
Painting in pewter and green velvet of a child who prays for communion or baptism.
Oval table in red velvet with wooden frame of the Madonna and Child in bronze Art.
Kids table praying communion under glass with gold frame
Oval painting of the Virgin Mary in bronze art on red velvet
all Paintings and Decoration
Statue of Saint Joseph and the child Jesus
Statue of the 3 angels resine high density
Saint Damien statue, patron saint of nurses, doctors, pharmacists, hand-carved, 33 cm, in dark wood (from collection: Dominique SUPIOT)
Saint Appoline patroness of dentists statue hand carved 33 cm in dark wood (collector's statue: Dominique SUPIOT)
SAINTES Santons Cassegrain PROMOTION
SAINTS Santons Cassegrain PROMOTION
all Statues
Neuvaines et Cierges
Lot of 3 Novenas Saint Michael Archangel "Pray for us"
Set of 5 candles green candlestick
Lot of 3 Novenas Holy Mary
Lot of 3 Novenas "Pray for us" Saint Antoine de padoue
Lot of 3 Novenas Holy Mary
Lot of 3 Novenas Rita Marguerita
all Neuvaines et Cierges
Medals holy first names gold plated 3 microns diameter 18mm
FREE SHIPMENT Medal pendant of Sant Jude 16mm gold plated 3 microns amazing details french handmade 16 millimeters very beautiful work
FREE SHIPMENT Medal pendant of St Judas Thaddeus 16mm silver 925 amazing details french handmade 16 millimeters very beautiful work
FREE SHIPMENT Medal pendant of Sant Jude 16mm gold plated 3 microns amazing details french handmade 16 millimeters very beautiful work
Ancient silver Owl pendant
Old silver dolphin pendant
all Medals
Black Tile of Limoges, First Name and Saints Illustration by Robert Gainé
Holy Tile and Ceramic Prayers Religious Art
Black ceramic tile representing religious icons
Hand-painted religious decorative tile
Holy Tile and Ceramic Prayers Religious Art
Religious art, illustrations of saints on tile
all Carreaux
Bijoux et chapelets
Authentic Religious Rosary of France in ebony wood beads, heart of the Rosary pendant Virgin Mary and Jesus on the Cross
Religious Rosary of France in silver 925 and tiger's eye stones, heart of the Virgin Mary and Jesus Rosary on The Cross pendant
Religious Rosary of France in silver 925 and turquoise stones, heart of the Virgin Mary and Jesus Rosary on The Cross pendant
Religious Rosary of France in silver 925 and coral pearls, heart of the Virgin Mary and Jesus Rosary on the Cross pendant
Religious Rosary of ancient France 1900s sacred heart of Jesus, pearls of mother-of-pearl
Pin's and pins Hope Hi from France
all Bijoux et chapelets
Art religieux Bronze
Bronze enamelled medieval style cross pendant
Catholic bronze Art The Virgin and Child
Religious Bronze Art, Virgin and Jesus Child.
Religious Bronze Art, bronze round plaque "I'm with you"
Religious bronze art, Virgin with Child medal and dove of peace.
Religious Bronze Art, Holy Family enamelled bronze red and yellow.
all Art religieux Bronze
Magnet Round magnet 3x3cm of Saint Rita, inscription Sta rita ora pronobis - Saint Rita pray for us
Magnet Round magnet 3x3cm of Sainte Thérèse
Magnet Magnet 6x8cm of Pope John Paul II
Magnet Magnet 6x8cm Icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Magnet Round magnet 3x3cm of Saint Christopher
Magnet Round magnet 3x3cm from Saint Christophe
all Aimants
Set of 10 Prayers - Our Father Prayer 12.5cm x 8cm
Set of 10 Prayers - Hope! 12.5cm x 8cm
Set of 10 Prayers - Prayer Remember Saint Bernard 12.5cm x 8cm
Set of 10 Prayers - I Believe- 15cm x 8,5cm
Lot of 10 Prayers - Prayer to the Holy Spirit 12.5cm x 8cm
all Prières
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